As like topic of my work, I was choose the Fear. When I came to Derby to UK, the fear was everywhere from all sides. Is it a big psychic onslaught. I had fear go to school and to be there, go to city and buy anything, to be at home and cook. I don't knew here anyone and my english was not so much good. Everyone here talked fluent english. Therefore my work is composed of 3 videos. Three situation as examples. School, kitchen and city. Each video is filmed so, that was to see the space around me. I wanted that it was as though rotate the world around you but with you. It was created blurry view, which that is symbolizing  flow of life.
The events around you and the running time. In first video, the water dropletin flow across image. As symbol of sweat and tears.  
 In second video, the image changings colour from normal to red colour. Because when I am nervous, my face is red. Color
 is changing with feeling and with a higher pounding heart. In third video is image magnify and  diminishes. Is it rhyhm heart beat.  
 The whole video chase my voice, which describing my situation. And pounding heart, without which we can not be it in these situations. Blending all screens is symbolize my mix in my head and feelings in one the moment.  In all videos is intentionally focused only on me.

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